Atlas of Social Innovation – New Practices for a B...

ЗаглавиеAtlas of Social Innovation – New Practices for a Better Future
Редактор(ы)под ред.
Место изданияDortmund
ИздательствоTU Dortmund University
Год издания2018
Количество страниц245
АннотацияSocial innovation is on the rise. As a lived practice, social innovation takes countless approaches and presents a wide array of success stories. It is within this context that the Atlas of Social Innovation offers a comprehensive overview of the multifaceted concept of social innovation. The Atlas contains 62 articles, compiled by 25 international partners as part of the EU funded SI-DRIVE project. It is, therefore, a unique knowledge repository for the global community of practitioners, policymakers and researchers, opening up new insights into the various types of social innovations in different world regions and policy areas and delivers new intelligence on the diversity of approaches used by different actors involved. The Young Foundation’s research team, led the work looking at social innovation in the policy field of health and social care, as well as contributed to the theoretical work and global mapping. You can download the specific articles we authored below. All 62 articles are available here to download here: For further information contact: Dr Sandra Gulyurtlu at
Авторский знакА89
Инвентарный номер8792
Дата поступления2018-02-12
Стоимость0.00 руб.