Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2017
Дата выпуска2017-07-12

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-13 из 13 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Significance of the Thesis “Cadres Decide Everything” as Applied to Modern Russia9
2Лукин Е. В.About the Role of Input-Output Balance in Government Regulation of the Economy41
3Зайков К. С., Калинина М. Р., Кондратов Н. А., Тамицкий А. М.Innovation Course of Economic Development in the Northern and Arctic Territories in Russia and in the Nordic Countries59
4Кожевников С. А.Gaining Efficiency of Public Administration – Key Objective for Modern Russia78
5Егоров В. К.Specific Features of Human Potential Development of a New Generation in Russia100
6Бородкина О. И., Соколов Н. В., Тавровский А. В.Social Risks of International Immigration into Russia114
7Абрамов Р. А., Стрельченко С. Г., Сурилов М. Н.Promoting Interregional Cooperation in the Social Sphere as an Important Reserve to Strengthen Relations within the Union State134
8Кузнецова Н. В., Кочева Е. В.Potential for Asia-Pacific Countries Innovative Development150
9Кузьмин А. И., Костина С. Н., Банных Г. А.Structure and Dynamics of Household Consumption of Information Goods: Regional Perspective171
10Ильясов Б. Г., Мартынов В. В., Герасимова И. Б., Макарова Е. А., Закиева Е. Ш.Quality of Life: Analyzing the Impact of Factors Related to Health, Based on System and Mathematical Models192
11Тихонова Т. В.Environmental and Economic Assessment of Water Regulation Function of Rural Territories in the Republic of Komi209
12Эрхинли Б. Э., Байджан Т.Could Neighbourhood Ties Still Be Important for the Migrants in a Metropolitan City?227
13Соловьева Т. С., Попов А. В.Barriers to the Fulfilment of Young People’s Potential in Their Work Activities251