Выпуск № 1

Номер выпуска1
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2018
Дата выпуска2018-03-21

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.What Will Putin Bequeath to His Successor in 2024?9
2Локосов В. В., Рюмина Е. В., Ульянов В. В.Population Quality and Regional Economy: Direct and Indirect Correlation32
3Антонова Н. Е., Ломакина Н. В.Natural Resource-Based Industries of the Far East: New Drivers of Development43
4Михайлова Е. Г.Evaluation of Water Bioresources Management Efficiency in Domestic Fishing Industry57
5Мазилов Е. А., Фанфу Ш.Scientific and Technological Potential of the Territories of Russia and China: Assessment and Development Prospects70
6Растворцева С.Economic Activity in Russian Regions84
7Вохмянин И. А.Developing an Organizational and Economic Mechanism for Shaping and Regulating the Competitive Environment in the Regional Economy100
8Гаврилец Ю. Н., Тараканова И. В.Computer Analysis of Qualitative Features in the Formation of the Socio-Ideological Structure of Society116
9Бухвальд Е. М., Ворошилов Н. В.Current Issues in the Development of Municipal Entities and in Reforming the Institution of Local Self-Government132
10Тарасова О. В., Руднева В. А.Models of Revitalization of Old-Industrial Cities: Case Studies of Siberia148
11Чекмарева Е. А.The Quality of Labor Potential Outside Large Cities164
12Немировский В. Г.Dynamics of Socio-Cultural Indicators of Labor Competitiveness of the Population of a Large Siberian Region (2010–2016)180
13Фролова Е. В., Рябова Т. М.Socio-Cultural and Value Paradigms of Public Civil Servants in Russia191
14Сяоюй Л., Чжаобо М.Ecological Capital Operation Mode and Path of Poyang Lake Eco-Economic Zone201
15Шредер А., Менапаче М., Шабунова А. А.Social Innovation: a New Innovation Paradigm for Social Development An Interview with A. Schröder, M. Menapace and A. Shabunova216
16Печенская-Полищук М. А.Enhancing the Sub-Federal Management Link as a Crucial Factor in the Formation of an Innovation Economy223