Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2019
Дата выпуска2019-11-25

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.The 2018–2019 Regional Election: Voters’ Trust in the Authorities Continues to Decline9
2Фаузер В. В., Смирнов А. В., Лыткина Т. С., Фаузер Г. Н.Methodology for Defining Pivotal Settlements in the Russian Arctic25
3Губанова Е. С., Клещ В. С.Overcoming Socio-Economic Inequality as a Condition for Sustainable and Balanced Spatial Development of the Region44
4Ворошилов Н. В.Regional Policy on the Development of Municipalities: Efficiency Assessment and Implementation Specifics in the Current Context58
5Прокопьев Е. А., Курило А. Е., Губина О. В.The Formation of Digital Space at the Municipal Level: Overview of Settlements’ Websites76
6Попов Е. В., Веретенникова А. Ю., Козинская К. М.Financial Tools to Develop Social Entrepreneurship91
7Бобков В. Н., Вередюк О. В.Working Hours in Russia: Employment Models and Choice Factors109
8Григорьева И. А., Уханова Ю. В., Смолева Е. О.Transformation of Social Policy in Russia in the Context of Population Ageing124
9Маркин В. В., Силин А. Н., Воронов В. В.Educational Opportunities for Young People of Indigenous Minorities of the North: Social and Spatial Discourse141
10Номия Д.A Short History of Japanese Sociology: Its Historical Legacies and Future Dreams155
11Номия Д., Сугино И., Мурасе Р.Social Movements as Networks of Meanings: Constructing a Mental Map of the 2012 Antinuclear Movement Campaign in Japan158
12Ишида К., Арита С., Гэндзи К., Кагава М.Structural and Institutional Aspects Surrounding Japanese Self-Initiated Expatriates’ Career Opportunities in East and Southeast Asian Societies175
13Хашимото Ц., Канадзава Ю., Томинага К.A New Liberal Class in Japan: Based on Latent Class Analysis192
14Диденко Д. В.State Strategic Planning Experience in the USSR in Theoretical and Empirical Studies211
15Головчин М. А.What Kind of Teacher Does the “School of the Future” Need? Possibility of Using John Hattie’s Approach in Russian Education229
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society243