Выпуск № 3

Номер выпуска3
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2020
Дата выпуска2020-07-24

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А.Remembering academician D.S. Lvov with gratitude9
2Гринберг Р. С., Комолов О. О.Import of Institutions: Theoretical Aspect and Practical Experience17
3Леонов С. Н.Preferential Regimes of Established Local Growth Points and Its Impact on the Economy of the Far East28
4Растворцева С. Н., Снитко Л. Т.Regional Specialization and Agglomeration Effects in the Russian Economy46
5Леонидова Е. Г.Stimulating Final Consumption within the Reduction of Regional Inequality59
6Балацкий Е. В., Екимова Н. А.Modern Ways to Boost Economic Growth in Regions74
7Пугачев А. А.Regional Tax Gap and Assessment of Its Determining Factors93
8Белехова Г. В.Regulation of Financial Behavior of the Population of Modern Russia: Regulatory Context Formation and Personal Development111
9Новикова Т. С., Цыплаков А. А.Social Policy in a Multi-Regional Agent-Based Model129
10Якушев Н. О.Improving the Tools for Assessing and Managing Export Activities of SMEs in the Region143
11Фаузер В. В., Лыткина Т. С., Смирнов А. В.Population of the World Arctic: Russian and Foreign Approaches to Studying Demographic Problems and Settlement of Territories158
12Устинова К. А., Гордиевская А. Н.Influence of Health Status on Social Activity of Older Population175
13Каргаполова Е. В., Каргаполов С. В., Давыдова Ю. А., Дулина Н. В.Information Competences of Young People within Digitalization of Society193
14Айгюн А., Байджан Т.Risk Assessment of Urban Sectors to Climate Change in Istanbul211
15Гундуз М.The Link between Unemployment and Industrial Production: The Fourier Approach with Structural Breaks228
16Manuscript Submission Guidelines241
17 Subscription Information245