Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2021
Дата выпуска2021-12-01

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Voters Supported the President: On the Results of the Election to the State Duma of the Eighth Convocation9
2Ускова Т. В., Патракова С. С.Rural Development in the Context of Spatial Compression of a Northern Region34
3Наумов И. В., Никулина Н. Л.Modeling the Impact of Bank Investments Attracted by Institutional Sectors on the Socio-Economic Development of Russian Regions53
4Беркович М. И., Шурыгин А. А.Shadow Economy in Russia: Economic and Statistical Assessment of Its Scale and the Ways of Its Reduction in the Country and Regions70
5Буданов И. А.Working Out Social Guidelines for the Industry Development of Metallurgy85
6Дерунова Е. А., Васильченко М. Я., Шабанов В. Л.Assessing the Impact of Innovation and Investment Activity on the Formation of an Export-Oriented Agricultural Economy100
7Екимова Н. А.Global Megatrends and New Technologies: Challenges for and Threats to the Post-Industrial Economy116
8Вольчик В. В., Маслюкова Е. В., Пантеева С. А.Investigating the Approaches to National Innovation Systems Modeling135
9Ростовская Т. К., Шабунова А. А., Багирова А. П.The Concept for Corporate Demographic Policy of Russian Enterprises in the Framework of Corporate Social Responsibility151
10Архангельский В. Н., Калачикова О. Н.Women and Men: Differences in Fertility and Reproductive Behavior Indicators165
11Соболева И. В., Соболев Э. Н.Open and Latent Unemployment in the Context of the Pandemic186
12Климова Ю. О., Устинова К. А.Mismatch between the Level of Training of IT Personnel and the Requirements of Employers: Problems and Solutions202
13Маркин В. В., Силин А. Н., Малинина К. О.Reproduction of Human Capital in the Arctic Regions of Russia: Socio-Cultural Context220
14Смолева Е. О.Forming the Practices of Citizens’ Participation in the Development of the Urban Environment: Habitualization or Institutionalization From Above244
15Попова Л. А., Милаева Т. В., Зорина Е. Н.Self-Preservation Behavior: Generational Aspect261
16Фанфу Ш., Лукин Е. В., Чжимэн Л., Вэнькай Ч.Assessing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Economies of China and Russia277
17Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society300