Выпуск № 6

Номер выпуска6
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2022
Дата выпуска2023-01-24

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.Framework for a New Social Contract Is Being Formed in Russia9
2Широв А. А.Predictive and Analytical Capabilities of Macroeconomic Models in Conditions of Crisis Economic Development (Using the Example of the QUMMIR Model)35
3Балацкий Е. В.Russia in the Epicenter of Geopolitical Turbulence: The Hybrid War of Civilizations52
4Кувалин Д. Б.Russian Economy under Tough External Sanctions: Problems, Risks and Opportunities79
5Румянцев Н. М., Леонидова Е. Г., Губанова Е. С.Defining Sectoral Priorities of the Region’s Structural Transformation by Searching for Promising Economic Specializations94
6Беркович М. И., Волин А. Ю.Determinants of Innovation Activity of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers110
7Секушина И. А.Digitalization of Small and Medium-Sized Cities in the European North of Russia: Trends and Prospects124
8Бучинская О. Н.Knowledge as a Mediator in the Relationship between Digital and Economic Development139
9Леонов С. Н.Assessing the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Condition of Regional Budgets: The Far Eastern Aspect153
10Попов А. В.Implications of Precarization in the Context of Generational Groups: Direct and Indirect Effects167
11Леонидова Г. В.Social and Labor Sphere in the Russian Federation: Trends and Risks in the Formation of the Quality of Working Life182
12Камарова Т. А., Баранова Н. В.Assessing the Development of Digital Employment in the Labor Market on the Example of the IT Sector: Basic Metrics199
13Артамонова А. С., Базуева Е. В.Effectiveness of Nonprofit Organizations for the Regional Economy: Conceptual Foundations for Identification215
14Арзамасова Г. С.Employee Environmental Responsibility: Empirical Analysis and Typology232
15Аносов Б. А.Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Consumer Market in Russia and China243
16Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society257