Выпуск № 1

Номер выпуска1
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2023
Дата выпуска2023-03-22

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-16 из 16 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.The President Called on the Officials of All Levels to “Stop Fooling Around”9
2Волконский В. А.The Logic of Withstanding between Civilizational Poles35
3Растворцева С. Н., Манаева И. В.Modern Development of the System of Cities in Russia: Static and Dynamic Approaches55
4Гулин К. А., Дианов С. В., Алферьев Д. А., Дианов Д. С.Agent-Based Modeling in the Formation of an Effective Territorial Network of Forest Roads68
5Фаузер В. В., Смирнов А. В.International and Russian Approaches to Studying the Sustainable Development of Urban Environment: From Theory to Practice85
6Кузнецов М. Е., Никишова М. И.Methodology for Assessing Scenarios of Tourism Industry Development in Kamchatka Krai on the Basis of Digital Twin Technology103
7Печенская-Полищук М. А., Малышев М. К.Comparative Analysis of Trends in the Development of Finance of Large Corporations in the Metallurgical and Coal Industries in Russia in the Context of Global Challenges122
8Дубровская Ю. В.Determinants of Life Expectancy in Heterogeneous Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation139
9Белехова Г. В.The Scale of Inequality and the Specifics of Its Perception in Modern Russia164
10Бабинцев В. П., Гайдукова Г. Н., Шаповал Ж. А.Consolidation of a Regional Community in a Glocal Social Reality: Socio-Cultural Barriers186
11Майкова Э. Ю., Симонова Е. В.Determinants of the Trust of Russian Municipalities’ Residents in Local Self-Government Bodies208
12Салганова Е. И., Осипова Л. Б.Students’ Digital Literacy: Competence-Based Approach227
13Шах И. А., Ненгру Т. А.Impact of Remittances on the Trade Balance in the Countries of the South Asian Region241
14Яньянь Ж.Problems of Legal Support of Chinese-Russian Economic Cooperation253
15Ромашкина Г. Ф., Когай Е. А.On the Results of the Conference “Consolidation of Russian Society in the New Geopolitical Realities” in the Framework of the First Lapin Readings266
16Морев М. В., Бахвалова И. М.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society275