Выпуск № 5

Номер выпуска5
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Год выпуска2023
Дата выпуска2023-12-11

Статьи выпуска:

Показано 1-17 из 17 статей
#Автор(ы)Наименование статьиНачальная страница
1Ильин В. А., Морев М. В.From “Munich-2007” to “Valdai-2023”: Sixteen Years That Changed Russia and the World9
2Кувшинников О. А.Public Health Promotion as a Priority for Regional Governmental Policy32
3Голованов О. А., Тырсин А. Н., Васильева Е. В.Modeling Economic Security Risks for Russian Regions in the Context of Sanctions Pressure49
4Атаева А. Г., Орешников В. В.Assessing the level of social development in Russia’s regions: Methodological and applied aspects66
5Флек М. Б., Угнич Е. А.Knowledge Transfer to High-Tech Sector Organizations: Factors, Problems and Prospects83
6Захарчук Е. А., Пасынков А. Ф.Financial Balances of Territories as a Tool for Modeling the Effectiveness of Spatial Development101
7Белехова Г. В.Financial Well-Being of Older Adults: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects and Assessment Issues117
8Балацкий Е. В., Екимова Н. А.Identifying Regional Foci of Potential Geopolitical Activity on the Basis of Demographic Scale Effect138
9Одинцова Е. В., Чащина Т. В., Мочалов Д. А.Features of the Standard of Living and Labor Situation in Households with Children and without Them155
10Хотеева Е. А.Motives of Youth Migration to the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation at the Present Stage172
11Якушева У. Е., Максимов А. М., Малыгина М. В.Rural Areas Population’ Migration Factors in the European Part of the Russian Arctic188
12Косыгина К. Е.The Role of Local Communities in the Development of Small Territories210
13Ростовская Т. К., Васильева Е. Н.Attracting Educational Migrants to Universities: An Overview of Institutional Resources230
14Фан Ф., Груздева М. А., Тань Р., Чжан С.The Experience of Russia and China in Addressing the Age Aspect of the Digital Divide247
15Дургун Ф., Даянир А.Revisiting the Linkages Between Economic Growth, Human Capital and Environmental Quality262
16Люй Х., Ван Ч.The Belt and Road: Achievements and Prospects (to the Tenth Anniversary of the Initiative)279
17Морев М. В., Бахвалова И. М.Public Opinion Monitoring of the State of the Russian Society294