Статья "Strategic reserves of labor productivity growth in..."

Наименование статьиStrategic reserves of labor productivity growth in the regional economy
АннотацияThe article work investigates features of labour productivity in regional economy and defines level and dynamics of labour productivity on separate branches and an economic complex as a whole. The problem of growth in labour productivity is connected with specific activities of branches and the enterprises. It is revealed factors making the greatest impact on labour productivity. Considerable influence on labour productivity renders motivator — wages level. It is revealed possibilities of increase of labour productivity under conditions of financial and economic crisis, it is developed the measures directed on increase labour productivity in the basic branches of region's economy in 1.5—2 times during the period 2008 to 2020.
Ключевые словаlabor productivity, regional economy, factors of labor productivity growth, methods of measuring labor productivity, sources of labor productivity growth
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Ильин В. А., Гулин К. А., Ускова Т. В.