Статья "Financial crisis, economic development, power-savi..."

Наименование статьиFinancial crisis, economic development, power-saving and the reduction of the hotbed gases' emission are a long-term prospect for the emission's reduction in China
АннотацияPower consumption causes economic development and becomes the main pollution source, including air pollution. Power consumption appreciably responds to the economic fluctuation. Different historic crises'gravity and abrupt economic recession show up in power consumption and hotbed gases' emission. In this article the analysis of the relations among the financial crisis, economic development, power-saving and the emission's reduction has been carried out and it shows that the financial crisis will inevitably lead to the power consumption's reduction and to the emission's reduction. But the crisis is a short term phenomenon, and the economic growth takes time. As in any developing country, in China the pressure of the reduction of hotbed gases' emission is intensifying. As for power-saving and emission's reduction, t is necessary to discuss these phenomena in details; and it is also necessary to develop the low-carbon way, not to ignore it
Ключевые словаffinancial crisis, economic development, power-saving, reduction of the hotbed gases` (HG) emission, long-term prospect
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Цзяхуа П.