Статья "Technologies substituting hospitalization (outpati..."

Наименование статьиTechnologies substituting hospitalization (outpatient surgery) in regional health: economic-organizing aspect
АннотацияThe article deals with technologies substituting hospitalization in the context of the overall structure of health care, discusses the prospects and problems of their introduction into medical practice of public health institutions of the Vologda region from the standpoint of economic efficiency.
Ключевые словаTechnologies substituting hospitalization, interface, public health, territorial state guarantees program, a method of costs minimizing, economic impact, region
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Дуганов М. Д., Шабунова А. А., Калашников К. Н.