Статья "Linen textiles — a reserve of economic growth"

Наименование статьиLinen textiles — a reserve of economic growth
АннотацияThe paper deals with the possibility to set up production of linen textiles, one of the main products in the domestic light industry. It is proved that to solve this problem it is necessary to strengthen the government support of the linen complex not only at the stage of flax growing but at the following stages of industrial processing — up to turnout of linen products. The author gives a detailed description of a prospective pilot project "Development of the linen complex in Vologda oblast" and its effectiveness.
Ключевые словаthe light industry, linen products, government support, industry profitability
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Маклахов А. В.