Статья "Modern particularities of economic interest demons..."

Наименование статьиModern particularities of economic interest demonstration in the exchange phase
АннотацияIn modem conditions the development of retail trade as the key element of the exchange phase is one of the priority directions of economic policy of the Russian Federation. At the same time the galloping increase in trade volumes, connected with economic appeal of branch, has more often started to lead to an aggravation of contradictions between the manufacturer, large distributing networks often inclined to monopolization of the prices, and the consumer. The multidimensional analysis of growth of retail trade, and also the basic spheres of display of economic interests of participants of distribution and their contradictions are given in the article.
Ключевые словаexchange phase, retail trade, distributive processes, trade network, economic interests, resolution of conflicts
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Головина Ю. Е.