Статья "Principles and practice of operation of foreign te..."

Наименование статьиPrinciples and practice of operation of foreign technology transfer centers
АннотацияThe article provides a classification of intermediary organizations market innovation (technology transfer centers, business innovation centers, development agencies, etc.) on the following criteria: the founder, the organizational-legal form, market focus, the method of funding, the main directions of activities, staff, the results. The features of the system transfer technologies in the USA, Germany, Japan, Australia, China, South Africa, etc. Conducted during the study analysis showed that to date there is no universal model for the functioning of technology transfer centers. However, the experience of most foreign countries is evidence of the need for major components of infrastructure for technology transfer: the legal framework governing the activities of technology transfer, financial support from both the state and the private sector, skilled and qualified personnel. Initial data for the performance served as a special methodical and reference literature of domestic and foreign authors.
Ключевые словаTechnology transfer, the centre of technology transfer, innovations, technology transfer network, commercialization
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Теребова С. В., Волкова Л. А.