Статья "Informational system of monitoring of the region’s..."

Наименование статьиInformational system of monitoring of the region’s scientific and technical potential
АннотацияIn the article the characteristics of the modern state of the problem of informational monitoring systems’ development are represented, the primary goals of information technologies’ application to monitoring scientific and technical potential are formulated. On the analysis’ basis the functional system model is based, the mechanism of its basic modules’ work is represented. The problems of the program’s developing and realizing of the informational system for the regional scientific and technical potential’s monitoring are considered. The information system is represented as the programming-informational complex based on the principle of the united information space and providing the operative analytical account and the control of the development parameters of the scientific and technical potential.
Ключевые словаScientific and technical potential of a region, informational monitoring system, data formation and processing, use organizing
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Зеленин А. С.