Статья "Taxation as the mechanism of regulation of the pop..."

Наименование статьиTaxation as the mechanism of regulation of the population’s InequalitY
АннотацияThe article contains the analysis of the population’s taxation in the countries with the flat and the progressive rates of taxation. The information for the research was taken from the materials of periodical press concerning the subject of the research, and also federal and regional statistical data on wages, incomes and taxes paid by the population of the Vologda oblast were used. It was shown, that the redistributive mechanisms existing in Russia do not only reduce the population’s inequality, but to the opposite, promote its increase. The author offers the directions of adjustment of the mechanisms of redistribution.
Ключевые словаPopulation’s inequality in incomes, redistributive mechanisms, taxation of individuals, flat and progressive rates of taxation, tax burden of the population
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Костылева Л. В.