Статья "The methodical basis of estimation of flax cluster..."

Наименование статьиThe methodical basis of estimation of flax cluster elements’ competitiveness
АннотацияThe article examines the problems of formation and development of flax cluster in Vologda region by inter-branch and inter-territorial cooperating. The effectiveness of this cluster is primarily determined by the level of competitiveness of its products, it depends on the rate of development of advanced technologies of agricultural production, industrial primary processing of raw flax and textile industry. Basing on the data available in the system of state statistics and manufacturing accounting, the author suggests the technique to reveal the competitiveness of major products made of flax and the competitiveness of flax cluster as a whole. The algorithm of this technique for vertically-oriented formations in regional flax complex has been worked out.
Ключевые словаVologda region, cluster, flax complex, competitiveness, flax fiber, linen fabrics.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Пантюшина О. В.