Статья "Reserves to strengthen the regional budgets out of..."

Наименование статьиReserves to strengthen the regional budgets out of the crisis
АннотацияThe article continues the discussion of issues touched in the articles by V.A.Ilyin and A.I. Povarova1, about the problems of formation and functioning of regional budgets. The authors present additional data about the imbalances in the budgetary system of the North-West Federal District of the RF. They make proposals, realization of which will make it possible to increase revenues of regional budgets, to optimize their costs, to raise the influence of regional budgets on innovation development of territories.
Ключевые словаBudgets of the Russian Federation subjects, management of the budget process, increase in fiscal efficiency
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска3
Автор(ы)Ускова Т. В., Сычев М. Ф.