Статья "Programmed project modernization of the federative..."

Наименование статьиProgrammed project modernization of the federative structure in Russia
АннотацияThe modernization is considered as a programmed project need for sustainable and balanced social development. Science and innovative should become a mover of this modernization. The article deals with the essence and meaning of modernization, it defines the forms of modernization and its features. The priorities and programmed project development institutions have been substantiated by the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, regions, municipalities and market agents. The article also analyzes the theoretical and methodological approaches to the evaluation of the eventual result of modernization which is considered as a possibility to use a human development index and / or a human happiness index.
Ключевые словаmodernization, essence of modernization, modernization forms, programmed project modernization model of the regional and territorial development, the role of human factor in the modernization, eventual result of the development and its evaluation
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Татаркин А. И., Лаврикова Ю. Г.