Статья "Methodological approaches to the estimation of the..."

Наименование статьиMethodological approaches to the estimation of the regional public health services efficiency
АннотацияThe publication is devoted to the problem of estimation of the regional public health services’ efficiency. In the article the nowadays existing approaches to estimation of the expenses’ efficiency for public health services are discussed, their brief comparative analysis is given. The conclusion about inexpediency of use of the techniques based on the analysis of the resource component of the public health services, without taking into account social effect, is drawn. As an alternative the technique based on the parallel estimation of the financial (the expense for rendering medical aid) and the demographic (losses of the population in the region from premature death rate) parameters is offered.
Ключевые словаpublic health services, efficiency, technique, expenses, years of potential life lost
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Дуганов М. Д., Калашников К. Н.