Статья "Analysis of tariff regulation in housing and utili..."

Наименование статьиAnalysis of tariff regulation in housing and utilities economy (in case of the city of Vologda)
АннотацияThe issues of tariff regulation in the housing and communal services in Vologda are considered in the article. On the basis of collected data about public payments for housing and communal services the growth of rates for these services has been identified. State authorities regulating tariffs and their competence are defined. A scheme of tariff, their characteristics and activities restraining growth of tariffs for public utilities are considered.
Ключевые словаhousing and communal services, tariffs on public utilities (tariffs on housing and communal services), the scheme of tariffs, tariff regulation
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Таслунов А. Н., Барабанов А. С.