Статья "Sustainable agricultural sector development of the..."

Наименование статьиSustainable agricultural sector development of the North zone: state, factors, directions
АннотацияThe paper analyzes the sustainability of agriculture in the northern territories of the pre-reform and transition period. It shows the impact of the agrarian reform on the dynamics of crop and livestock production, changes in production capacity, considers the indicators of food consumption by the population of territories of the North, the financial condition of agricultural organizations. It estimates the impact of the priority national project “Development of Agriculture” on the sustainability of the agricultural sector. It reveals the factors and conditions that constrain the sustainable development of agriculture. The package of measures is offered to ensure sustainable development of the agricultural sector, including the updating of agricultural legislation, modernization of production through the application of new technologies, increasing state support for agricultural producers.
Ключевые словаStability, sustainable development, agriculture, market transformation, innovations, state support, the North
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Иванов В. А.