Статья "Methodological modeling aspects of foreign-economi..."

Наименование статьиMethodological modeling aspects of foreign-economic activity in the regions of the North-West Federal District and the Republic of Belarus
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the urgent researching problems of integration and modeling of foreign economic activity in the little-studied aspect of the relation system “country – region of another country”. It considers the developmental trends of trade and economic integration between the regions of the North-West Federal District and the Republic of Belarus. The article describes a mathematical apparatus of gravitational modeling of foreign-economic interaction that is tested on the base of statistical accountability of the regions of the North-West Federal District and the Republic of Belarus.
Ключевые словаForeign-economic activity of the regions, trade and economic integration, goods turnover, economic and mathematical modeling
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Ускова Т. В., Селименков Р. Ю., Асанович В. Я.