Статья "Socio-demographic aspects of labour potential deve..."

Наименование статьиSocio-demographic aspects of labour potential development
АннотацияThe article describes the main trends of socio-demographic indicators of labour resources in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. The article provides a cross-country comparison of the state and dynamics of labour potential; it shows the results of local research, the main issues, the regional characteristics and the ways of problem-solving. Particular consideration is given to the influence of health on the development of the population’s labor potential. The article shows the population’s assessment of health and wellness importance in the labour activity.
Ключевые словаLabour potential, demographic development, health, able-bodied population
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Шабунова А. А., Леонидова Г. В., Шухатович В. Р., Артюхин М. И.