Статья "On the issue of socio-economic modernization of Ru..."

Наименование статьиOn the issue of socio-economic modernization of Russian regions
АннотацияAccording to the author, if modernization is carried out without a thorough consideration of the country’s social and territorial peculiarities, it can lead to the uneven distribution of “modernization” effects resulting in even greater imbalances of territorial development as compared to already existing ones. Long-term strategies and development plans, aimed at the socio-economic system modernization, should be based on the available potential of the regions. The notion of “socio-economic potential of modernization” is introduced, which includes not only a set of resources, but also qualitative characteristics of the regional systems. Socio-economic modernization is a set of interrelated directions, including the industrial policy activities, development of scientific-technical and innovation potential, improvement of social infrastructure, etc.
Ключевые словаmodernization, socio-economic potential, space, regions, regional policy, strategic planning, public-private partnership, industrial policy, regional innovation systems, human development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Гулин К. А.