Статья "Assessment of economic efficiency of scientific-te..."

Наименование статьиAssessment of economic efficiency of scientific-technical progress in dairy cattle breeding
АннотацияThe article evaluates the economic efficiency of scientific-technical progress (STP) in dairy cattle breeding. A set of indicators for estimating the economic efficiency of milk production is described. The system of network planning and management on the basis of network graphs is used for scientific substantiation of the efficient milk production model. In order to ensure the comparability of production system elements, it is proposed to use the unified energy indicators to determine the ratio of energy contained in the manufactured products to the amount of energy spent on their production. The article provides the algorithm and results of economic and energy analysis of cow housing types efficiency on the reconstructed dairy farms in the Vologda Oblast.
Ключевые словаlabor costs, metal consumption, energy consumption, reduced costs, energy content, reduced energy consumption, economic and energy efficiency
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Туваев В. Н., Туваев А. В.