Статья "Integrative economics – the economics of coordinat..."

Наименование статьиIntegrative economics – the economics of coordinated and socially oriented development
АннотацияThe article proposes a new vision of modern economics, which is called integrative economics. It is regarded as the economics of coordinated and socially oriented development. The article substantiates the concept of “integrity” as the compromise participation of various structures in the creation of a coordinated product. The principles and structural elements of integrative economics are disclosed here. The article proves that integrative economics is aimed at ensuring promising future, oriented toward the development of a human personality.
Ключевые словаintegrative economics, coordinated and socially oriented development, development of a human personality
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Бочко В. С.