Статья "Construction complex of the region: current state..."

Наименование статьиConstruction complex of the region: current state and innovative potential
АннотацияConstruction industry has traditionally established itself as a leading choice; it is designed to reproduce fixed assets, carry on renovation, modernization, technical re-equipment of material goods production and solving social issues on the modern technical basis. Despite the profound crisis of the industry associated with the transition to a market economic model such as a high degree of fixed capital assets depreciation, the low investment activity of construction companies, a high materials output ratio, etc., the growth potential of construction industry is sufficient. It is possible to solve these problems by promoting innovation activity of construction companies, aimed at reducing the cost of finished products, shortening of construction time and enterprises’ competitive recovery.
Ключевые словаconstruction complex, construction materials producing industry, Vologda Oblast, innovation activity
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Воронцова Т. В., Губанова Е. С.