Статья "Increasing the competitiveness of preserved milk p..."

Наименование статьиIncreasing the competitiveness of preserved milk products on the food market
АннотацияThe article deals with the assessment of the product quality of some milk canneries in the Vologda, Belgorod, Moscow, Smolensk Oblasts, etc. It shows that the quality of Sukhonsky Dairy Plant’s products is the best one. Most consumers trust just these products. Respondents’ preferences have been revealed by the survey; they allow the authors to draw a conclusion about the characteristics of a competitive product that should be considered when designing new kinds of canned sweetened condensed milk.
Ключевые словаpreserved milk products, competitiveness, quality of products
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Гнездилова А. И., Туваев В. Н., Острецов В. Н.