Статья "Intensification and innovation approach toward the..."

Наименование статьиIntensification and innovation approach toward the dairy livestock breeding in Vologodsky District
АннотацияUsing an example of farms located in Vologodsky District, the article reveals the state of affairs and the ways of modernization concerning dairy cattle husbandry, which is the Vologda Oblast’s leading branch of agroindustrial complex. The basis for modernization includes innovations in breeding, fodder production, feeding and milking technologies, loose cow housing, personnel training, optimal work organization at dairy farms and complexes, improvement of the quality of raw milk. All these factors promote the intensive development and competitiveness of the region’s agricultural organizations.
Ключевые словаVologodsky District, dairy cattle husbandry, stock breeding, intensification, modernization, raw milk quality, competitiveness
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Бильков В. А., Шаверина М. В., Медведева Н. А.