Статья "Problems of agri-food sector in the Pechoran Arcti..."

Наименование статьиProblems of agri-food sector in the Pechoran Arctic region
АннотацияThe article shows the significance of providing people with fresh products in the development of mineral resources base in the Arctic subregion of the European North-East. The article describes the environmental conditions of the region, analyses the labor and agricultural resources. It reveals the forms of business ownership and their place in the production of certain types of goods. The article shows the influence of 1990 – 2000 transformation processes on agricultural production dynamics and the state of the industry’s production capabilities. Analytical data allowed to reveal present-day social and economic problems of the agrarian sector that are connected with macroeconomic and inter-sectoral deformation.
Ключевые словаagri-food sector, Pechoran Arctic region, environmental conditions, specialization, resource potential, agrarian reforms, socio-economic problems
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Иванов В. А., Терентьев В. В.