Статья "Funding problems of regional housing and utilities..."

Наименование статьиFunding problems of regional housing and utilities sector and the ways to solve them
АннотацияThe need to reform a housing and utilities sector has escalated and become actual in terms of the overwhelming dominance of state ownership and high centralization of management. Unfortunately, the artificial monopolization and significant dependence of this sphere on subsidies have resulted in the distorted behavioral motivation of all the subjects and overall inefficiency of housing and utilities services. The article shows the analysis of current state of housing and utilities sector in the regions of the North-West Federal District; it deals with the problems of its funding and offers the promising directions to improve the regional policy effectiveness in the housing and utilities sector.
Ключевые словаfunding of housing and utilities sector, government budgetary policy, housing and utilities sector investment
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Барабанов А. С.