Статья "Forming of the regional institutions of spatial de..."

Наименование статьиForming of the regional institutions of spatial development of the Russian Federation
АннотацияThis paper reviews the ability and willingness of regions and municipalities to upgrade spatial development using a systemic approach to the selection of programme-project priorities and institutions of market development. The potential of individual factors and institutions in the areas of systemic modernization of regions and territories is reviewed; the need for programme-project upgrade of the federal structure of the Russian Federation is substantiated. New institutions of regional development – self-development of the regions and municipalities, the formation of business area, program-project planning, spatial development etc. are proposed.
Ключевые словаspatial development, sources, factors and institutions of programme-project management of modernization processes, self-development of regions and areas as the most effective institution of a federal structure of society, cluster and programme-project planning strategy and management of spatial development
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Татаркин А. И.