Статья "Topical issues of labour potential development in..."

Наименование статьиTopical issues of labour potential development in the Republic of Komi
АннотацияLabour potential of the region is characterized by the size and health of the population, a progressive age distribution and economic activity ratio, an employment rate, the structure of labour resources and their professional competence, as well as the changes in these characteristics and the factors that cause them. The article deals with the trend in changing the quantitative characteristics of labour potential in the Republic of Komi for the period after the 1989 census. The current state of labour potential in the republic and its utilization level are estimated in the article.
Ключевые словаage distribution, labour potential, economic activity of the population, employment.
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Попова Л. А., Терентьева М. А.