Статья "Issues of improving inter-budget relations between..."

Наименование статьиIssues of improving inter-budget relations between the region and the federal centre
АннотацияThe article studies the problems of inter-budgetary relations of the subjects of federation and the federal centre. The analysis of financial interaction between the regions of the North-Western Federal District and the federal centre has been carried out on the basis of general scientific methods. The article identifies the positive and negative sides of the development of inter-budget interaction between these regions and directions of its improvement. The results obtained can be used by the federal and regional state power bodies when forming the budget policy in the sphere of inter-budget relations.
Ключевые словаfederal budget, regional budget, inter-budget relations, budgets’ own revenues, transfers, delegated expenses
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Печенская-Полищук М. А.