Статья "Assessment of economic potential of the Chelyabins..."

Наименование статьиAssessment of economic potential of the Chelyabinsk Oblast: state and development prospects
АннотацияThe article presents the results of economic activities in the Chelyabinsk Oblast for the last years, main indicators of improving regional investment policy, perspectives on implementation of regional economic projects. It provides economic indicators of the development of the Chelyabinsk Oblast industry potential in the case of metallurgical, machine-building, nuclear, etc. enterprises.
Ключевые словаEconomic activities, economic indicators, regional investment policy, industrial production index, investment projects
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Мякота Е. А., Воробьев А. Г., Путилов А. В.