Статья "Methodological framework for establishing the tour..."

Наименование статьиMethodological framework for establishing the tourism and recreation cluster ‘Zaonezhye’ (Republic of Kareila)
АннотацияThe article deals with the issues of territorial planning in tourism sphere. It characterizes the concept of ‘cluster’, identifies the purposes of its creation and its main elements. Besides, the article investigates the possibility of creating a tourism and recreation cluster on the territory of Zaonezhye in the Republic of Karelia. It also provides a simplified cluster model and identifies its main features. Moreover, the barriers impeding the creation of the cluster are defined, and measures for their elimination are proposed here.
Ключевые словаTerritorial planning, tourism sphere, cluster, socio-economic development, Republic of Karelia
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Шишкин А. И., Биктимирова Е. Д.