Статья "Russian model of population ageing (in the case of..."

Наименование статьиRussian model of population ageing (in the case of the Northern regions)
АннотацияThe article dwells on the characteristics of the Russian model of population ageing, conditioned by the demographic wave, migration and short life expectancy. It has been revealed that Russia is approaching the demographic ageing model, typical of developed countries. The article describes the specific features of demographic ageing in Russia’s Northern regions. These features are conditioned by the ‘younger’ age structure of the population, low life expectancy, and large-scale migration outflows in the last two and a half decades. In addition, the article analyzes economic consequences of population ageing and defines the main social problems of old age.
Ключевые словаAge structure of population, demographic ageing, factors of ageing, economic load, social problems of elderly people, Northern regions
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска2
Автор(ы)Попова Л. А., Зорина Е. Н.