Статья "Overcoming social disintegration as a factor in pr..."

Наименование статьиOvercoming social disintegration as a factor in promoting social health
АннотацияThe article dwells on the key indicators, reflecting the state of social health. The data is presented geographically among different demographic groups. The results of the public opinion monitoring, held by ISEDT RAS, with regard to public mental health in the Vologda Oblast are revealed. The article considers the process of social disintegration as a factor, negatively affecting the state of social health. The effect of a victim behaviour on the prevalence rate of social pathologies is analysed.
Ключевые словаsocial health, social disintegration, victimization, mortality, human capital
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Морев М. В., Попова В. И.