Статья "Single-industry towns of the Russian Arctic: devel..."

Наименование статьиSingle-industry towns of the Russian Arctic: development strategy on the case study of the cities/towns in the Murmansk Oblast
АннотацияThe article is devoted to the problems of strategic management of single-industry towns’ development in the Russian Arctic. It presents brief characteristics of the government policies in relation to single-industry towns of the Russian Federation as a whole, and, particularly, of its Arctic zone. On the example of single-industry towns of the Murmansk Oblast it studies strategies of their development, typical problems to shape and implement strategic development plans.
Ключевые словаsingle-industry towns, the Russian Arctic, development problems, city-forming enterprises, strategic planning, comprehensive investment plans
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Дидык В. В., Рябова Л. А.