Статья "Modelling of economic systems with Petri nets"

Наименование статьиModelling of economic systems with Petri nets
АннотацияModelling is one of the most important tools to study complex systems. Components of both continuous and discrete nature are present in the behavior of contemporary economic systems. The article uses formalism of nested hybrid Petri nets as a tool to study complex economic systems. The author describes basic approaches of simulation modelling, concepts of classical Petri nets, modified means of nested hybrid Petri nets, benefits of their use for systems modelling. The article presents the concept of a universal system of simulation modelling. On the basis of considered approaches the article proposes to develop a universal system of simulation modelling on the basis of the modified machine Petri nets.
Ключевые словаComplex system, model, simulation modelling, Petri nets, universal system of simulation modelling
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Скородумов П. В.