Статья "Subjective factor in social development as a key r..."

Наименование статьиSubjective factor in social development as a key resource for the consolidation of the Russian society
АннотацияTransformation processes in the modem globalizing world cover all spheres of society, causing serious qualitative and quantitative changes in its structure. The role of society in the process of globalization is becoming increasingly important, that is why the consolidation of its members becomes the most important direction of social development. The authors consider the problem of consolidation of the Russian society, they substantiate the importance of the subjective factor in social development, which consists in the people’s perception of key events in the political, economic, and social life. The analysis of official statistical data shows that there are certain positive trends in the dynamics of the most representative indicators of social health, which reflects the degree of psychological adaptation of the population to their living conditions. However, having calculated the latent level of some of them (suicide), the authors identify that there is inaccuracy in the records of these indicators, which proves that there are flaws in the state system of collection of statistical information. It highlights the relevance of sociological research for a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of current social processes and phenomena. The article presents the experience of sociological research carried out at ISEDT RAS. It serves as a tool to study the subjective factor of social development. The analysis of the sociological surveys’ findings shows that the social mood of the citizens nationwide and in the Vologda Oblast is improving; this fact indicates that people are adapting to their living conditions that changed in the 2000s. At the same time, positive trends in social well-being in the Russian society are mainly associated with the satisfaction of personal and family interests. Throughout the 2000s and at present the issue of alienation of the Russian society from the government remains acute, which is indicated by the growth of the social fragmentation index and the low level of trust in the main governmental and public institutions. The authors conclude that the development of consolidation processes in Russia depends largely on the degree of interaction between the society and authorities. Domestic sociological science can play a crucial part in the solution of this problem.
Ключевые словаconsolidation of society, social development, sociology, social perception, trust, social well-being
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Морев М. В., Короленко А. В.