Статья "Monitoring of the region’s socio-cultural developm..."

Наименование статьиMonitoring of the region’s socio-cultural development as a component to enhance the effectiveness of social administration
АннотацияThe article presents the results of the next phase of the study on the subject “Socio-cultural portrait of the region”. It gives the estimation of the demographic situation, standard of living and welfare of the Vologda Oblast residents. Besides, the article shows the people’s assessment of the performance of the authorities, social well-being and degree of safety, as well as their trust in the government. Ah these aspects are studied in their connection with social policy and social protection measures undertaken in the region. The study reveals that the society is disappointed in the actions of the authorities; it does not understand the true ultimate effect and the feasibility of ongoing regional social events. The greatest number of critical remarks addressed to local authorities comes from people with unstable position in life. Negative evaluations are also more likely expressed by the poorest population groups, by women, by the less educated, by village dwellers and urban-type settlements residents, as well as by individuals with a low level of education. Social policy in the minds of a large part of the population is associated with principles of social justice, equality, rule of law, responsibility and socially important values. The Vologda Oblast residents do not feel that their spiritual and ideological views are being endangered; and the issues associated with ensuring the security of life and health, decent standard of living, legitimate and fair performance of the basic social institutions remain unsettled, according to their understanding. At the same time, social policy should create conditions to stabilize social relations, to ensure efпiciency and sustainability in the development of the whole society, which should adequately respond to all positive and negative effects.
Ключевые словаsocial well-being, population, social protection, socio-cultural portrait, region, trust, power
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Ласточкина М. А.