Статья "Macro-social determinants and public health risks..."

Наименование статьиMacro-social determinants and public health risks in Russia’s regions
АннотацияThe article presents the results of the comprehensive analysis of the macro-economic factors that determine the medical and demographic situation in Russia, using the methods of mathematical modeling. The authors have constructed regression models to determine the proportional contribution of macro-social determinants to a negative deviation ofpopulation health indicators. The authors have carried out the cluster analysis and highlighted six types of territories with similar socio-economic and demographic situation. They have also calculated additional cases of general and infant mortality determined by macro¬economic factors for each type of territories. In addition, the authors have assessed health risks associated with the effect of social factors at the macro-level.
Ключевые словаhealth, mortality, macro-social factors, medical and demographic situation, risk
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска5
Автор(ы)Лебедева-Несевря Н. А., Цинкер М. Ю., Чигвинцев В. М.