Статья "Quality of the population as a major driving force..."

Наименование статьиQuality of the population as a major driving force of systemic modernization of the Russian society
АннотацияThe article analyzes the state of the quality of life in modern Russia as a result of the increase in the standard of living and quality of life and as a major modernization factor. The author presents the indicators and trends describing the change in the quality of the population. The article proposes to combine the classical patronage (extensive) approach and the participatory (intensive) formation of a “participatory society” in the implementation of social policy. According to the author, one of the main directions of this approach is the redirection of demographic policy from the quantity to the quality of the population, and to the accumulation and realization of human potential.
Ключевые словаquality of population, social policy, extensive and intensive approaches, social paternalism, “participatory society”
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска6
Автор(ы)Локосов В. В.