Статья "Dynamics of investment in fixed capital in the eco..."

Наименование статьиDynamics of investment in fixed capital in the economy of the Northern regions
АннотацияThe article describes characteristics and trends of investment in fixed capital of the Northern regions. It singles out phases of rapid pre-crisis growth, crisis, post-crisis growth and stagnation. Stagnation and decline in recent years are caused by completed major investment projects, reduced own funds of enterprises, limited availability of investment resources and increased capital outflow. The article reveals that the growth of investment in fixed capital of the North in the post-crisis period is provided by the regions, carrying out major investment in oh and gas pipeline transport, oh extraction, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. The changes in the sectoral structure of investment in fixed capital of the Northern regions are barely visible; the share of investment in the traded sector is stih high, especially in mining, due to the Northern regions’ specialization in the extractive industries. The share of investment in the public sector and social services remains low. The specific structure of investment in fixed capital has changed: the share of investment in buildings (excluding housing) and structures has increased greatly; the share of investment in machinery, equipment, vehicles has decreased due to insufficient investment in mining enterprises and financial shortages in manufacturing. In most regions the structure of investment in fixed capital by directions is characterized by the increase in the share of investment in machinery, equipment, vehicles in new construction, investment in buildings and structures and the decline in the proportion of investment in machinery, equipment, vehicles modernization and reconstruction and acquisition of new fixed assets. The dynamics and the inefficient structure of investment in fixed assets and directions testify the shortage of investment in innovation in the Northern regions.
Ключевые словаstagnation; investment in fixed capital; structure of investment by types, new construction, modernization and reconstruction; purchase of fixed assets; Northern regions
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Гаджиев Ю. А., Акопов В. И., Канев В. Н.