Статья "Causes and factors promoting the expansion of card..."

Наименование статьиCauses and factors promoting the expansion of cardiovascular diseases in the Vologda Oblast (according to the research in epidemiology of cardiovascular disease)
АннотацияThe article focuses on the analysis of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The data of the research in epidemiology of cardiovascular disease (ESSE-2013), carried out in the Vologda Oblast, and the materials of the state statistics service comprise an information base. The ESSE-2013 questionnaire included several thematic blocks corresponding to the main factors influencing the development of cardiovascular diseases. The distribution of respondents’ answers reveals that there is a connection between cardiovascular diseases and effects of such factors as gender, age, heredity, and the body mass index. Of ah the respondents who had infarction, 40% mention that their close relatives suffer from this disease as well. Of those who had a stroke, 30% have relatives with such a disease. The comparison of the respondents’ age and gender characteristics by the presence of cardiovascular diseases shows that men and women over 60 belong to the risk groups of such diseases as stroke, stenocardia and cardiac arrhythmia; the risk of heart attack is very high for men over 60; heart rhythm disorders — for women under 60. The study has not indicated a clear correlation between negative characteristics of lifestyles and risks for cardiovascular diseases. Thus, the research confirms the high importance of heredity and age and gender characteristics as risk factors for cardiovascular disease. At the same time, the impact of the lifestyle is not vivid. In this regard, it can be promising to monitor the impact of individual behavioral practices on risks for cardiovascular disease.
Ключевые словаcardiovascular disease, risk groups, risk factors, health
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Шабунова А. А., Фахрадова Л. Н.