Статья "Evaluation of the efficiency of development of spe..."

Наименование статьиEvaluation of the efficiency of development of specially protected natural areas in the Republic of Komi
АннотацияThe article presents an algorithm for the management of specially protected natural areas in the region. This algorithm consists of the following procedures: assumption of the obligation to preserve biodiversity; planning and implementation of activities to preserve natural complexes; evaluation, analysis of results and development of recommendations to improve management. According to this algorithm the procedures were tested on model objects - specially protected natural territories of federal and regional importance. In the course of implementation of these activities the sources of funding of specially protected model objects were identified: the funds of budgets of all levels; grants and charitable contributions; funds received from the provision of recreation and tourism services. The financial strategies of development were provided, and the business plans were analysed for seven natural reserves. The results of a sociological survey concerning the effectiveness of implementation of business plans show that positive effects from the existence of protected areas are much more pronounced than the limitations experienced by local residents. This refers to the opportunities and forms of cooperation and contribution to socio-economic development in the region. The activities for the organization of recreation for residents in the region are proposed. Recreation at the weekend, the costs of which amount to two thousand rubles/person, is most interesting to the region’s residents, especially to urban residents. This type of recreation can organize a flow of 200 thousand people per year, if the necessary range of services, especially children’s leisure, is provided. Leisure tourism, on the contrary, requires the maximum reduction of cost (five thousand rubles/person for the route), and the provision of minimum number of services; the annual flow of this category of tourists may reach 40 thousand people. Establishment of conventional natural parks can be another way to improve the condition of protected areas. The possibility of rational nature management carried out along with recreational activity that promotes the development of these areas is shown on the example of model objects of specially protected natural areas.
Ключевые словаspecially protected natural areas, biodiversity, ecosystem services, recreational resources, ecological tourism, business plan
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска1
Автор(ы)Тихонова Т. В.