Статья "Socio-Economic Issues of Territories in the Focus..."

Наименование статьиSocio-Economic Issues of Territories in the Focus of Attention of Researchers in Vologda
АннотацияMarket transformation in Russia’s economy at the end of the 20th century was accompanied by the increase in the autonomy of its territories, and the establishment of the institute of local government. As a result of the separation of powers and responsibilities the local government has become responsible for strategically important and socially significant functions of the state such as preschool, primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education, physical education, social policy, organization of provision of housing and utilities services to the population. However, local government in Russia is in the process of formation, and only few municipalities are able to perform all their functions due to limited budgetary resources. Therefore there are a lot of problems in the socio-economic development of territories that need solving and that require scientific and methodological support as well. The paper describes the main stages of formation and development of scientific objectives with regard to the issues of socio-economic development of territories at the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories of RAS. The author emphasizes that the scope of the research depends to a large extent on the needs of the local government.
Ключевые словаproblems of territories, socio-economic development, scientific support, development of territories, methods and tools of management
ЖурналEconomic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast
Номер выпуска4
Автор(ы)Ускова Т. В.